April 23, 2022
Presenting Pera + Flora + Fauna, an official Collateral Event at the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia…>>
March 3, 2022
We present you ‘Never Seen Works of Seen Videos’ by Fuad Arif. Sit back and enjoy the show! …>>
February 24, 2022
Lintas Laut is a research project driven by the exchange between Malaysian and Indonesian artists. Building upon the literal translation of ‘lintas laut’ which means ‘traversing the sea’…>>
December 1, 2021
An exhibition that focuses on artworks that is outside the conventional and traditional form artworks, in terms of execution, medium and experimental values…>>
November 28, 2021
SISI TV is a series of experimental cinema project to showcase and distribute any kind of moving-image works. Four video works have been selected for the first screening #03…>>
November 3, 2021
Sebuah pameran seni visual yang melibatkan 6 orang pelajar dari jurusan seni halus yang telah menjalani sesi latihan industri di Kapallorek Artspace dan Tangsi Studio…>>
October 8, 2021
SISI TV is a series of experimental cinema project to showcase and distribute any kind of moving-image works. Four video works have been selected for the first screening #02…>>
September 11, 2021
Mempamerkan karya seni visual daripada 21 seniman pelbagai bidang disiplin seni kreatif yang aktif di sekitar Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak…>>