December 13, 2018
Performance art and artist talk ‘Experimental sound art’ by Fendi Mazalan…>>
November 21, 2018
Sound is the medium to get some special state of mind by Arma Agharta…>>
October 16, 2018
Art talk by Fadly Sabran, Syafiq Aliam, Rawiruj Suradin and Saroot Supasuthivech at the School of the Arts, USM Penang…>>
November 15, 2018
This conflict identity comes from my initiative to look back at the culture that we have by Haris Abadi…>>
October 23, 2018
Empowering visual artist in art and cultural exchange Perak-Bangkok artists…>>
October 27, 2018
A curatorial discussion among artist and curator with U12 art community Shah Alam…>>
November 25, 2018
Sembang seni konteks media baharu bersempena pameran ‘ulang-ulang’, gabungan seni, tradisi dan teknologi…>>
March 22, 2017
‘Kepelbagaian yang ada dalam sesuatu struktur itu perlulah di santuni di dalam persoalan semasa yang lebih releven’ oleh Azizan Paiman…>>